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Literary Lunch


Beautiful weather, fresh air, asian food and interesting discussions about books over lunch with Perry and Stefan.

Literary LunchBeyond Leadership by Matthias Mölleney and Sybille Sachs

Book «Beyond Leadership» by Matthias Mölleney and Sybille Sachs

In modern organizations, traditional leadership concepts often fall short because they focus on the relationship between superiors and employees. The key differentiator for of these organizations, however, is the agility of the teams and the ability of their members to cooperate. An important part of current leadership research, which deals with multidimensional followership, also goes in this direction. In addition to the theoretical background, the book offers a very concrete guide in logical steps and with many examples of how this leadership concept can be applied in practice. It is literally a "Work Book".

Book «The Software Architect Elevator: Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise» by Gregor

Hohpe As the digital economy changes the rules of the game for enterprises, the role of software and IT architects is also transforming. Rather than focus on technical decisions alone, architects and senior technologists need to combine organizational and technical knowledge to effect change in their company’s structure and processes. To accomplish that, they need to connect the IT engine room to the penthouse, where the business strategy is defined. In this guide, author Gregor Hohpe shares real-world advice and hard-learned lessons from actual IT transformations.

Book «Cloud Strategy: A Decision-based Approach to Successful Cloud Migration» by Gregor Hohpe

Most books on cloud computing either stay at a very high level, offer simplistic recipes, or dive deep into vendor-specific product details. This book helps you fill the very large space in between: aligning technology change with organizational transformation, making architectural decisions, and communicating trade-offs to diverse stakeholders. The book balances structured decision models with real-life anecdotes, both harvested from half a decade of defining and implementing cloud strategies for major organizations.