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Cloud Lightning Talks

Cloud Lightning Talks

Cloud Lightning Talks


  • Kickstart short, unconference-style talks on technical topics / projects.
  • 3 talks, 5 minutes each, in a session that lasts no longer than 30 minutes.

Why so short?

  • Short is all you need to start a conversation. Short also defines our modern day attention spans, and short is hard because this constraint requires you to think critically and creatively about how to convey only essential information.

Why it will work?

  • Language makes us human, and I believe we all love to listen to a story.
  • As a speaker you have an opportunity to teach, inform, and inspire others by expressing what you do and what you care for.



#4 - 25.04.2024

Accelerate your Landing Zone - A brief overview of the Azure Verified Modules (AVM) within the Azure Landing Zones

by Severin Pereto

From Car-Washer to Chief of Cloud - Join me on a 5-minutes trip through 20 years of my professional life

by Jürg Borter

Optimising Java functions on AWS Lambda - An introduction into tools and techniques that make Java a viable choice for implementing AWS Lambda functions.

by Peter Bäck

#3 - 07.03.2024

How not to land - 5 Epic fails in setting up your internal landing zone

by Christian Tschenett

Cloud Sustainability - Does the cloud solve the IT sectors carbon problem?

by Christian Abegg

Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty- What is it and how does it differ from standard Azure cloud offerings?

by Justin van Noort

#2 - 30.01.2024

Higher Availability with Azure Switzerland-West

by Petrus Van der Meeren

FinOps & 3 things that you didn't know about it

by Emre Atsan

Azure Virtual WAN - Benefits & Trade-offs

by Stefan Friedli

#1 - 21.09.2023

Architect Mindset

by Mihai Popa

Deploy a web application to AWS

by Thomas Tschachtli

Terraform licence model change - a cause for concern?

by Christian Tschenett