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Cloud Practice Camp (Zühlke Engineering)


Every year each Zühlke team leaves their office for some days of training and attends an offsite event called Zühlke Camp. The Camp is all about learning together and from each other. This year the Cloud Practice Camp took place in Olten: 4 days, 20 participants, lively discussions & exchange of experiences, proof of concept design & implementation and a lot of fun.

Cloud Architecture KataCloud Architecture Kata


Architectural Katas

The Architectural Katas were born out of a simple desire: software architects need a chance to practice being software architects, just as programmers need a chance to practice being programmers. Dave Thomas created the concept of the " Code Kata" while watching his son at karate practice, and that turned out to be a popular concept: a series of exercises that programmers can attempt in a variety of different languages, as a way to help master the language.

Serverless Framework

Easily build auto-scaling, low-overhead applications on AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and other managed services with the Serverless Framework.

Sustainability Certification for Cloud Infrastructure

TCO Development and the SDIA are both independent non-profit organizations who are committed to moving sustainability within the IT sector forward. With the joint development of the certificate, it is our goal to set the standard for transparent & sustainably-produced digital resources.